Hi Sarah, Finally, this last student discusses her health issues: I suffered from a string of concussions in my sophomore and junior years. Learn about the benefits of the Common App and get our expert tips on how to manage your time through the college admission cycle. Hi I would like to know if dual enrollment counts as an activity. 940 25th St. NW Suite 103 Washington, DC 20037, Sign up for the The Admissions Strategist newsletter to get the latest information on college and career success, Need help with the Common App Additional Information section? The Additional Information section is located in the Writing portion of the Common App as an optional place to add relevant situations and/or qualifications that are not mentioned elsewhere in the application. Novembrr can help. There is a place to list every class, activity, and personal reason that you are a great fit for a particular school. Using the Additional Information section is not required and should only be done when you have something to highlight or explain that makes your overall application stronger. Demonstrating participation and accomplishment through extracurricular activities is essential for all college applicants. If your short story won a prize on a national, state, or county level or you placed highly in a competitive science competition, these items are important to mention. So what is the Additional Information section for and why is it important? High School Planning for College Admissions Success, What To Look for in a Homeschool Consultant, latest in homeschooling and college admissions, college admissions policies for homeschoolers, Academic Benefits of Homeschooling High School, Family Benefits of Homeschooling High School. You have some flexibility here. Think carefully before you mention a hardship in this section. It is a common mistake to include a small volunteer trip to show commitment to community service. Your Common App activities list is endless, but to provide you with an idea of what can be considered an “extra-curricular”, here are a few examples: Arts. This will show that you are not a “joiner,” but rather, an authentic contributor to a community service organization. The key to this section is to have a balance in what you are putting. Make sure that anything you add is distinctly different from the topics you covered in other writing portions of the Common App. This is not the place to weave an emotional story of overcoming hardship. Example 3. Ethan helps students write amazing college essays by offering free resources, one-on-one essay sessions, online webinars, and in-person workshops. Dear Ahmad, Many students see ten lines in the activities section and they panic. What should I do? Use a sample to craft your application essay section about activities. HELP ME . should i mention what i just said in the common app? College-Specific Questions: Some schools choose to ask additional questions, which will be listed in this section. As such, I needed to leave school for days at a time, as acute headaches impaired my vision and ability to walk in school. What really impresses colleges are activities where your student has dedicated him or herself and demonstrated a commitment to persist and work hard. Read on for everything you need to know about the 2019-2020 Common App. It can also be an opportunity to describe an experience or volunteer project that really influenced your work in the classroom or other organizations listed on your application. What if we have private lessons? There is no single rule here. Deciding to use this section is something that should be carefully considered and based on the individual applicant’s life circumstances. Wonderful advice! Thanks for your questions. Is there a way that I can state that the activities are ongoing or should I just not include them? One section of the Common Application that confuses many students is the activities section. Kathy, I was also able to take advantage of social media platforms to create fundraising drives for Ananda Sagara, an orphanage and charitable organization I work with in Bangalore, India. The Common App will relaunch on August 1 with six new changes expected. Under “Athletics: JV/Varsity”. The key to determining if you should use the Additional Information section is if the information you plan to include adds value to your application. Instead of trying to impress Admissions, make sure your focus is on reflecting the real you. Additionally, I will be publishing papers in the Journal of Robotics during the spring semester of my senior year. How to fill out your Common App activities section: 1. The Common App allows you to submit applications to multiple colleges and universities by completing one online form. ), 75+ Community Service Ideas & Projects: The Volunteer’s Guide, How to Write the Common App Activities Section (Examples Included! The Common Application is the most widely used application for college admissions in the US. If that’s the case, keep your explanation short and to-the-point. She was rehearsal assistant for a production but just once. It is fine to list new activities if they are important to you. Trained 7 state qualifiers; developed fundraising, recruitment campaigns to raise $1200 in 1 year, increase membership from 6 to 40 members in 2 years – The Common App has greatly streamlined the application process for applicants looking to apply to multiple colleges. It is important to understand our kids are playing on a different... Can homeschoolers get into Ivy League colleges? Good luck! The Additional Information section is not intended for several more extracurricular activities to be listed than allotted for in the principal Activities/Work Section. Hi Evan, They may want to list the activity that they think sounds the most impressive to other people. Here are a few tips for making a good impression in the activities section. Remember, consistency in portraying who you are as an individual is key with telling your own personal story on the Common App. Topic Title: Math Team Declared Time Commitment: 1 hours per week, 16 weeks per year Description: In my junior year, I placed first at my school in the AMC 12 competition. Include volunteer experience if it is prolonged and shows a genuine commitment. Make sure you are not using this section to fit in more information for the sake of looking impressive. Yes, but as for all students it is very competitive. You might be wondering what should be listed in the Common App honors section and what should be listed elsewhere - in your activities, for example. Save time. College admissions have changed dramatically in the last 25 years. Yes, that is totally fine to combine similar activities such as several theater productions, etc. Admissions officers do not enjoy applicants that write more than is asked for or that do not follow the application’s instructions. As most of us don’t walk around with stop watches we just have to guess the average. Also, as a homeschooler you may also have options elsewhere in your homeschool documents or application to provide additional detail. It would be great to include you were first chair 9-12 – that shows you are successful with your instrument and that you’ve had a leadership role. Pay attention to the structure. Activities on the Common Application do not need to be based in schools or through traditional organizations like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. It is a common question that students have. This may overshadow other impressive parts of your application. If you're uncertain what to write about one of your activities, comment below with some details and I can give you some advice! An example would be a parent passing away or you recovering from a serious illness that impacted the grades of one semester or year of high school. Should I say yes to all of them to demonstrate possible activeness in college? By doing this, you will be able to see what holes there are in the application. If you did exceptionally well after the incident occurred, that is something to be proud of and it will also show the admissions committee that you had difficult circumstances, worked hard, and did well in the end. Also, she has had a lead role in each, does that count for leadership. I don’t want to put it on a separate “Athletics: Club” because I don’t have a lot to say about club soccer. Admissions officers will not view this well. Keep in mind that you don’t want to mention any of your accomplishments twice, as this will waste the admission officer’s time. Take the time to plan your answer carefully and remember that your reader may not be familiar with the specific activities or organizations you are involved with. The Additional Information section is designed to include relevant factors to your application that would otherwise be missed. It is pretty common for students to carry on some but not all of their high school interests into college so you don’t have to say yes to everything. Stay on track and ease your anxiety with our second-to-none college application assistance. I am currently involved in some activities that I am really proud of and would like to include on my Common App, but I am not sure if I should include them since I’ve only been involved with them in a short time. At the end of each activity, there is a yes/no question asking if I want to continue this activity in college. The Common Application, as well as many individual college applications, provides room for students to list out extracurricular activities. For example, if you tell a sad story just to gain sympathy that is not genuine, it will reflect poorly on your application. In a separate document, list out all of your activities. Other commons circumstances that can be explained in the Additional Information section include family emergencies and tragedy, struggles with gender or identity that affected academic performance, a relocation that caused missed days of school, or economic hardship that required you to work during or after high school. Pinterest – Check out our collection of college admissions policies for homeschoolers. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. I leave extra early in the morning and get home at 7 pm, once my parents are off from work and can pick me up. Part 2: Pre-writing your Common App Essay. We created this guide to help you write the best possible Common App Additional Information Section! If you had an unusual high school experience, such as homeschooling while traveling abroad or attending a specialized school, you can explain why your transcript may not look like what the admissions committee is expecting to see. Do all Common App colleges use courses & grades in their admissions process? (Comment replies give helpful examples of how to phrase ECs) How to write your Common App and UC Activities Lists. We support a centralized or "common" online application system for more than 800 colleges and universities worldwide that enables more than 1 million students - a third of whom are first generation - to apply to college. Is it okay to list it even if she only did it one time? This is especially true when your list of activities exceeds the limit set by the Common App! In addition to listing your family responsibilities in the activities section, ... share on this topic, and they will treat your personal story with respect and confidentiality. School soccer is my main. I hope that helps! Best wishes, In other words, pretty much anything pursued outside the classroom qualifies as an activity. Examples of student answers might include: First chair violin, Mid-Central Youth Orchestra The reality is that doing so will reflect negatively on your overall application because it will show that you joined too many activities and did not follow the application instructions. Is it correct to check all grades 9-12 for his participation in spring track even though the spring season for 12th grade did not start yet? I plan on mentioning my club soccer with my school soccer since its very minimal. Admissions understands some activities run year round and some meet just occasionally or for a shorter period of time. e.g. ... 2020. What are some things that you SHOULDN’T say in your details portion of each activity? Good luck with your applications, Assuming the college offers a similar club or activity, do you still want to participate? Before filling out the Additional Information section, take a look at the big picture of your application. Trending Articles. Keep in mind that you are able to list and briefly describe leadership you held within activities in the Activities portion of your application. Common App is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to access, equity and integrity in the college admission process. 3. Balance carefully when writing about complicating life situations. Applicants are encouraged to put their most important activities first. I think it’s tempting for homeschool teens to want to cram their Common Application with as many activities as possible, but it really is about quality over quantity. Family: This section has a place to list parents or guardians and their education level and occupation, as well as siblings. Utilize the Additional Information section to fill in any missing information that will be beneficial to your application. This is the most delicate of the entries on this section and has to be handled with care. I too am confused by the activities section. Typically I suggest students list scouts under Community Service. If genuine personal hardships did impact your academic performance, and you overcame them, be sure to mention this. A good Additional Information entry may look something like this: I felt that the curriculum offered at Josano Main High School did not challenge me to achieve my true potential. Our SAT® course is out! Do you play guitar? If you feel that your story is better told that way, consider making it the subject of your personal statement, but only if it is the best way to answer the prompt. Would being a parent qualify for the “family responsibilities” section? DO list your most impressive and relevant activities near the … Essay writing timelines: how to write your Common App personal statement if you have six months, three months, one month, or even less. Learn what types of honors you can include, what order to place them in, whether abbreviations are allowed, and how to use your 100 characters for description. Some of the diverse options for extra curricular activities on the Common Application drop down menu include career oriented activities, cultural activities, family responsibilities, environmental, religious, robotics, science/math, and paid work. This example is about the passing of a parent: My mother passed away in Spring 2018. Extracurricular activities can take on a special importance for homeschoolers. Learn more about our 2020-2021 options. All of these are kinds of extracurricular activities. Here's a sample Common App activities list. Along with a personal essay, supplemental essays, Letters of Recommendation from the student’s counselor, and possibly multiple letters from the student’s teachers, the Common App’s ‘Activities’ section is an example of US universities wanting to get to know each prospective student ‘in the round’. This does not include an explanation for bad grades because you didn’t study or work hard. I’m in my HS orchestra, chamber (first chair 9-12), and participated in multiple festival events. If once a month your works at the food bank for a four hour shift – I would answer that he is participates 12 weeks a year, four hours per week. If your school did not have traditional marking systems or you went to school abroad for high school, be sure to mention the difference in requirements so that the admissions committee has a clear picture of your high school experience. Most college-bound students will complete the Common Application. This will allow you to get a sense of how your activities all look together and what picture they may paint of you as an application. Thanks. Doesn’t it supposed to allow until 150? Thanks. College Writing Supplements: If your schools require additional essays or writing samples, you will complete them in this section. For the 2020-21 application cycle, the Common Application essay prompts remain unchanged from the 2019-20 cycle. For applicants applying to Performing Arts or Arts schools, this rule is different in that you will be required to submit a visual portfolio; however, for other applicants, images in general need to be avoided unless specifically asked for by the school. How You Spend Your Time Take Advantage of this Opportunity Barbara. I also recently read my old activities list and cringed. Instead encourage your homeschooler to think about the activity that they’ve devoted a lot of time to and feel has been most important to their development. Here are examples from top high school students. Watching the news with my parents one night, I heard a story about Japan, which included an … Encourage your student to be realistic and not to over or underestimate. Junior Volunteer, Central Food Pantry. For this reason, I applied to the Kansas Science and Tech Academy during my freshman year. College admissions understand that some activities run year round and some (such as a being in a theater performance) may be intense but for a shorter period of time. We can help you prep for the ACT®!https://supertutortv.com/the-best-act-prep-course-everTaking the SAT® course instead? This student describes the sacrifices her family made: I attend a school 35 minutes from my home. While social media is an increasingly popular way for colleges to market, the familiar glossy brochures filling the mailbox are a... Facebook – Follow for the latest in homeschooling and college admissions news. Barbara. Common Application Essay Strategies. ), The NYU Acceptance Rate & More Vital Info About NYU Admissions. The Common App Activities Section is an opportunity to demonstrate to the Common App colleges your talents, skills, and specific examples of extracurricular activities you’ve participated in … Designing apps or working at the beach as a lifeguard are appropriate to list. If you extend a prior essay in the Additional Information section, the admissions officer will not have time to read it and will see that you disregarded their instructions. All Rights Reserved. My daughter takes piano and voice lessons, she is involved in choir in school and community theater. He has answered the “weeks per year” as “12”. In it you have the chance to tell colleges more about who you are outside the classroom. Navigate your entire college application journey with Common App. Common App Activities: How to Fit More Than 10 Extracurriculars on Your List. You may want to highlight a prestigious award or research project you were dedicated to while in high school, as it could add strength to your application. In this example, the applicant wrote factual information about the KSTA program and how it impacted them academically and in extracurricular activities. Activity type: Community Service (Volunteer) Position/Leadership description and organization name, if applicable: Key Club: Club President; Kiwanis Coordinator (1) Details, honors won, and accomplishments: High school community service organization which I helped coordinate as Club President. my high school didn’t show much attention towards activities (it’s a Saudi Arabian high school). For the Common App, you have 5 slots for honors and awards, and 10 slots for your extracurricular activities. Let’s take an example. On the description of activities, applicants should feel free to “toot their own horn.” It isn’t braggy to share positive things about yourself or your accomplishments. While my grades dropped during this time, I kept up with all my courses, scored well on the SATs, and became captain of the softball team. She also plays for one month for a seasonal community music group-a prestigious, audition only part– it’s 3 hours a week for 5 weeks only,but participated– every year– this is her 6th consecutive year. This 1 tip is exactly 149 characters long. Rather, it is the chance to explain why the grading system used is atypical. If not, it’s best to leave it off and spend your time polishing the rest of your application. Often it works best to just start grouping activities and see how they fit in the space. The student will be able to list the years they participated and how many hours. In general, do not include personal family photos or certificates of completion in your application. 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