You may not manage a team, but you do work in a management role. Plus, you can often get better deals from purchasing in bulk. There are now quite a few of us in the Assistant world running around shouting that you, lovely Assistant, are a leader within your organisation! © copyright 2003-2021 An ability to differentiate between “mission-critical tasks” and “tasks that can wait” showcases impeccable judgement, leadership skills, and an alignment with company values. But she didn’t and if you do something embarrassing you should carry on too – that is what I tell myself anyway! As Assistants, we often come up against misconceptions about the role even if we know we must have advanced skills for C-suite Executive Assistants. Through the art of prioritization, Admins can transform a to-do list into a list of invaluable accomplishments. Here are my top 10 tips for public speaking. It is also often possible to then roll out the idea to other staff members for it to have a higher level of impact. Time Management Skills: One must be able to prioritize to determine where time is best spent not only for their position, but for the executive they work for. Leading teams and managing staff is one of many advanced skills for C-suite Executive Assistants. You should work with an Executive who also has a growth mindset, someone who shows that they are vulnerable and is open about their failures. As computer technology becomes more and more widespread, it is increasingly necessary for executive assistants to be proficient in spreadsheet management and word processing, as well as possessing other computer-based skills to digitally manage all manner of daily operations. Looking into competitors, customer needs, costs, opportunities and market place work as well as developing marketing ideas, business plans, and number crunching are all things you can help with. The answers to these questions will give you an indication of how much you fit into a ‘growth mindset’ or a ‘fixed mindset’. Executive assistants often have to plan meetings, conferences and even parties. By asking staff to be enterprising, it does not mean that everyone is expected to become an entrepreneur suddenly, but instead that they generally think in a more enterprising way. Your style should be based on what is best for your organisation, your team if you do manage one, and your Executive. What’s more, you can set time slots to help people keep on time in meetings. In this mindset, the hand you’re dealt is just the starting point for development. work management including planning, prioritizing and organizing tasks to effectively meet deadlines and achieve specific results . Executive Assistant Qualification and Skills. Get a quick view of the requirements as well... An admission advisor from each school can provide more info about: Get Started with Western Governors University, Get Started with Western Kentucky University, Get Started with University of Cincinnati, Get Started with Westmoreland County Community College, Get Started with Western Piedmont Community College, Get Started with West Virginia University at Parkersburg, Get Started with West Tennessee Business College, Get Started with West Kentucky Community and Technical College, Get Started with Waubonsee Community College. What was the small victory that led to change? It is for this exact reason you should ask for consistent feedback. What do typical high ranking officers and managers look for in an Executive Assistant skills list? Working with an authentic Executive who doesn’t expect unachievable levels of perfectionism from their Assistants will lead you to feel more inspired, motivated and able to challenge yourself. If you are aware of your team member’s strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to delegate work to the appropriate person. Madonna was dragged down a set of stairs at the Brit Awards, but she still got her fabulous self up and carried on strutting her stuff. You have your path and growth for you will be different from other people. Pay rises and promotions are hard-fought. Highlight the times you have run a project or event. College Advisor that can help you compare costs and options. Will I feel like a winner or a loser? There are several qualities and qualifications you need to meet to become an executive assistant. 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This style is particularly useful for building team harmony or increasing morale. Assistant Essentials. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? Typing, filing, and other clerical skills are important, but the best executive assistants often have strong personalities that are exhibited through several beneficial soft skills: Communication skills: Executive assistants often serve as a gatekeeper, deciding which messages and which visitors or callers need to go directly to their employer and which need to redirected or handled in some other way. This style works exceptionally well when a business is adrift. Senior Executive Assistants adopt an attitude of regular professional development. Ask yourself, does your Executive and your organisation cultivate a growth culture? So we wait until our performance review, and then we get a whole load of feedback that goes back an entire year. Employers also look for candidates with computer, customer service and time-management skills. The hallmark of the affiliative leader is a “People come first” attitude. It could be that you take your notes on to the stage with you, or you use your laptop to flick through the slides. Why look for friends or partners who will just shore up your self-esteem instead of ones who will also challenge you to grow? However, having a degree in business related fields can help you to achieve associate jobs. The process is also tied in with our salary and remuneration package. Key Skills for an Executive Assistant . Executive assistants must be excellent communicators with colleagues as well as customers or other external stakeholders. This is one of many advanced skills for C-suite Executive Assistants. This comes from looking at your day to day successes, what did you achieve, how did you grow, and what did you learn? Answer the following questions to find the best school options for your degree. This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Perhaps you can see ways in which you could change or improve something in the business which would develop the quality of the offering or increase profits. Managed complex calendars, facilitated communication and logistics. First off, any member of staff has the potential to support an idea, opportunity or realise there is something that can be improved upon. We must be given a licence to learn and space to grow. "Executive Assistant Skills and Necessary Attributes." However, on the whole managers and leaders are happy for staff members to work on ways of improving the things they already do. By working together, you can both share workloads, so not everyone is carrying out the same price comparison research and ordering the same or similar items. They share their experiences, challenges and triumphs of their career development as assistants. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. For example, you could be the collator of all the information putting it together into a business plan to present to the senior team. There are many skills that Assistants need to work in the C-Suite. Executive Assistant Skills Communication Skills: Excellent written and verbal communication skills are critical in this field whether speaking on the phone, writing an email, or voicing an opinion. It doesn’t surprise me that so many Assistants avoid asking for feedback., 11 Sep 2019 published. At the time I was absolutely petrified. Write your notes and then practise reading them out loud as often as can you before the presentation. Verbal and written communication - Executive assistants often act as a spokesperson for their executive, so your communication skills - both written and verbal - need to be top-quality. Becoming an executive assistant is not a walk in the park. It is so important! At times we might have our internal sirens blaring warning us that we are headed on the wrong path and feedback serves as a red traffic light or a stop sign to alert us that we are headed down the wrong path. The only person who knows you’ve forgotten something is you! To be seen as a business asset and not “just” an Assistant is crucial for any Assistant looking to advance their career. Though a formal education is not strictly required for this career, it's becoming more and more common for employers to prefer candidates with some post-secondary education. If you are managing a team of people, then each approach will work differently with each member of the team. Assistant managers: How to motivate your team, Career transitions for Executive Assistants. Skills An executive assistant should have strategic skills in addition to administrative abilities. Most administrative assistant positions do not have an education requirement; however, many managers prefer executive assistant candidates with an associate or bachelor's degree in areas such as business or the industry in which they are seeking a job. Introducing a meeting room booking app is a simple yet successful solution. If speakers are nervous a real giveaway is the speed at which they speak. It’s also not … It can be really easy, especially if you have been in the business for a long time, to think that you know how to do everything! Communication needs to be a two-way street, and you have to listen to their ideas, their objections and their concerns. Executive assistant skills can include hard and soft skills such as technology skills, organization, communication and time-management skills that help them succeed in their roles. Do you face them head-on, or do you avoid the situation? Look at the big picture on what went wrong and ask yourself what you could have done better and what you can do better moving forward. Many have a masters degree. Job ad wants these executive assistant skills: (1) communication (2) saving time (3) executive project support. Want expert, personalized advice that can save you a lot of time and money? We cover a lot of those skills on this website. Formal education is not mandatory, but is often preferred, and may give an applicant an edge in obtaining a job. If someone doesn’t see your value, you don’t need to seek their approval. Having the technological skills necessary to perform data entry, manage team calendars, and create company reports are highly sought after admin skills in assistants. Of course, this is understandable. Do College Graduates Make More Money Than High School Graduates? Facility with computers, computer programs and modern technology is essential, as are professional telephone and face-to-face communications skills. Knowing All the Best-Kept Secrets; Calm Under Pressure; Dogged Resourcefulness; Ruthless Prioritization; Ironclad Discretion; Strategic Multi-Tasking; Emotional Intelligence; Speed and Decisiveness; Networking; Analytics Skills Also, you deserve to thrive in your role, learn and grow. To be successful in this role, you should be well-organized, have great time management skills and be able to act without guidance. It might seem ridiculous but pretending to be Oprah Winfrey does help! This provides staff with a feeling of satisfaction and involvement in the company’s success. Personal assistants are similar to executive assistants or office assistants in that all perform routine administrative-type tasks so that someone else does not have to. Make sure they have goals that will stretch them and help them grow in their role. Every fibre of my being was telling me to run away as quickly as my shaky legs could carry me. Assistants are not afforded the luxury of failure. There are many advanced skills that Assistants, who work in the C-suite, need to be successful in the role. I’ve seen some fantastic speakers over the years and often channel their presenting style depending on the event I am speaking at. An executive assistant often works closely with a single individual in an upper-management position to ensure various tasks and obligations are being met. Check that you have everything you need, your slides are up and in the right order, you have a podium if you need one and you have some water in case you start coughing uncontrollably, which is a real fear of mine! Some workers may also arrange their manager's personal schedules or represent him or her at meetings. Give each member of the team autonomy over their work. It is harder than ever to differentiate as a business, keep customers returning and increase profits. You should learn from them but don’t compare yourself to them. Every member of your team should have a productive career development plan in place. Executive assistants work in an office setting where they manage appointments, communications and schedules for an upper-level manager. If you are moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, you need to feel like you are in a fertile environment where ideas and creativity thrive, where feedback is about improving your work yourself. We are in a role that does require organisational skills, remembering lots of detail and making our Executive’s success. If you are going to motivate your team, you can offer guidance, but you have to let your team have autonomy over their work. In the fantastic Harvard Business Review eBook Leadership That Gets Results, Daniel Goleman details six different types of leadership qualities: This “Do what I say” approach can be beneficial in a turnaround situation, a natural disaster, or when working with problem employees. But its exclusive focus on praise can allow poor performance to go uncorrected. Relish opportunities to learn and improve in your role. If you are an executive Assistant managing a team of Assistants, you really can lead by example. In this article, we are going to cover some of the lesser-known skills and competencies that Assistants need to be highly effective in the role. Collaboration is a fantastic way of finding new and improved ways of working. So what ideas can you develop and implement in your company? The day-to-day duties of an executive assistant often include administrative activities, like typing letters, writing reports, arranging meeting and conference calls, conducting research and overseeing other administrative assistants. And why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you? Remember that your slides should emphasis your point rather than spell it out, so don’t add to much text. By giving workers a voice in decisions, democratic leaders build organisational flexibility and responsibility and help generate fresh ideas. Hard Skills for an Executive Assistant: Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, SharePoint; Database management; Calendar management; Online research ; Business Knowledge; Soft Skills for an Executive Assistant: Communication (written and verbal) Top Skills for Dedicated Executive Assistants. It may help to have a few friends sitting in the front rows so that you can look at them while you are speaking as friendly faces do help ease nerves! a College Advisor at the end of the process. Although there are no specific educational requirements, it is increasingly common for an executive assistant to have an associate's or bachelor's degree. Executive Assistant Skills and Necessary Attributes. Many of the more straightforward ideas, once implemented, can be replicated throughout an organisation and have a huge impact. Do your skills line up with what hiring managers are looking for when they are reviewing resumes for an Executive Assistant position? Do you see it as an opportunity to educate those around you, or does it affect your confidence? Working collectively and sharing best practice in your EA network, Emotional Intelligence for Executive Assistants. So if you are a leader in your organisation, what kind of leader do you want to be? Take the time to solicit feedback, and you will find that you have a ton of new ideas on how to do things. Source: *United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Even though at the moment of impact, receiving critical feedback can sting since it feels bad to be told that you don’t measure up, yet we need the reality check to jump-start us back into realignment. I keep having to remind myself of this. How do you feel when someone gives you feedback at work? Executive Assistant job qualifications and requirements. Will I be accepted or rejected? Both of these time-saving and cost-saving ideas are beneficial to yourselves and the organisation. During your Assistant career, I am sure you would have worked with many different types of leaders with different traits of personality and motivational styles. Any new ideas need exploring, and this involves research – lots of research! What happens when you have challenges at work? An executive assistant can usually possess multiple skill sets, as this career path … Find Schools. Often by collaborating, you can increase each other’s confidence, competitiveness and willingness to give new things a try. This style’s impact on organisational climate is not as high as you might imagine. Often a way to improve something you already do can come from seeing another company do something in an improved manner or by thinking it through yourself. For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. Why did they hire you, and how do they want to you manage them and your team? You have to define what success means to you. Here are our tips on how you can keep your team motivated and enthusiastic about the work. Many Assistants focus on getting all the answers right. So you need to go into your interview having prepared answers that clearly show you demonstrating these qualities. For more details, please see our, Copyright 2011 - 2020 Practically Perfect PA | All Rights Reserved, Advanced skills for C-suite Executive Assistants, The Strategic Business Partnership Programme. This is what I often tell myself before I get up on stage. There is a sense of triumph that I feel at the end of every presentation, and I’m pleased that I have managed, in the main, to overcome my fear of public speaking. Most executive assistant positions are front-facing and many also involve inter-office communication. Discover what type of work an executive assistant performs. You can also give your team lots of little rewards that will make them happy. An Executive Assistant job description should advocate for a professional individual who is well-presented at all times. So that’s start by looking at the difference between a ‘fixed mindset’ and a ‘growth mindset’. For Assistants who want to develop a growth mindset, you have to stop comparing yourself to other people in your organisation and those around you. For Assistants, we are often told that we have to be perfect, that we work in a high-pressurised environment where mistakes can not be made. We have to stretch ourselves and be in a position where we might potentially get things wrong. I have spent weeks reading my notes out loud and in front of very very helpful friends and family. Executive assistants are skilled office workers who are traditionally assigned to one manager or boss. Support other staff to be more enterprising. If you are incredibly nervous, it is well worth having something that helps you remain calm. Executive Assistant’s responsibilities include managing calendars, making travel arrangements and preparing expense reports. Computer skills are also extremely important for executive assistants. The skills required to do so include organization, time management, multi-tasking, resourcefulness, fine attention to detail and follow-through –all the skills that make a great executive assistant. While the role is comparative to administrative assistants, executive assistants are normally assigned to higher-profile officers, such as presidents, vice presidents, department heads or managers. An authoritative leader takes a “Come with me” approach: she states the overall goal but gives people the freedom to choose their means of achieving it. You are ideal to act as the organiser and keep track of the information collated and chase people for their elements whilst putting together all the information already received. All rights reserved. Perfect – a simple but effective answer to a constant issue. The most common important skills required by employers are Travel Planning, Calendaring, Itinerary Management, Travel Arrangements, Expense Reports, Outlook and Secretarial. We must have advanced skills for C-suite Executive Assistants. How do they respond to each style, and how can you get the best out of them using the different approaches? Many administrative assistants also handle a file management system, either physically or on a computer, and should be adept at storing and retrieving files. If I feel confident about the way I look, it is more likely that I will deliver an excellent presentation. This is a resume example for administrative professional with job experience as Executive Assistant and Office Manager and would be appropriate for any high level administrative position.The sample opens with an executive style summary paragraph that outlines the core qualifications. In this article, we have covered just a few! Aside from a proficiency in computer skills, an Executive Assistant is not necessarily required to have a degree. In this honest and frank panel session, Nicky Christmas, former EA and now Editor and Founder of Practically Perfect PA, talks with Assistants who have transitioned to become a business critical Assistant. Executive assistants are often called upon to manage both their own time and their boss's time, so time management is a particularly important attribute. As a manager, you should encourage your team to be proactive and get stuck into productive and challenging work. ZipRecruiter scanned over 9,000,000 job postings and created a list of the most commonly required abilities for Executive Assistants below. How do you feel when someone doesn’t value your contribution? Retrieved from Below, we highlight the eight administrative assistant skills you need to become a top candidate. Examples of organizational skills include planning, delegation and office management. But in most situations, coercive leadership inhibits the organisation’s flexibility and dampens employees’ motivation. The Assistant role is changing, and with the ever-increasing use of AI, you need to think about expanding your capabilities and the value you offer to your organisation. This style focuses more on personal development than on immediate work-related tasks. You need to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. We all know how tough it is for Assistants to gain recognition and compensation at work. 1. My first attempt at public speaking was back in 2013 at an exhibition for assistants and office managers. It is worth taking the time to plan out which styles will work effectively with the various challenges you have come up over the year. It is not an easy job that you can wake up and decide to apply for. They may also handle more demanding tasks and assignments that may be sensitive or confidential. Administration and Office Support An executive assistant is commonly found answering phones, screening visitors, making travel arrangements, preparing reports, filing and organizing documents, recording meeting minutes, and performing basic bookkeeping tasks. Top 10 Skills Needed for Executive Assistants. This is my number one tip because practice does make perfect. It’s important to be familiar with Microsoft Office software like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more. Every situation is evaluated: Will I succeed or fail? The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. Working alongside every successful Executive is an incredibly smart, switched-on and highly skilled Executive Assistant. Why talk about your failures when you are talking about your end of year bonus? By having every member of staff thinking in an enterprising way and being more commercially minded, it is possible to stand out above the competition. Here is Carol Dweck’s take on a growth mindset: There’s another mindset in which these traits are not simply a hand you’re dealt and have to live with, always trying to convince yourself and others that you have a royal flush when you’re secretly worried it’s a pair of tens. For example, if a client has a different need to the norm, is there a way you can assist them that isn’t unreasonable, still ensures the company makes a profit and keeps the client happy? Another tip I’ve learnt over the last year is to get comfortable with the room before the presentation. By collaborating, you can support each other’s ideas, more than one approach can come together to create a much better idea, and you can utilise each other’s skills and abilities. It is worth knowing who will be in the audience before your presentation. 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